Friday, July 27, 2012


We are officially fit to be parents as deemed by the Alberta Government.

Commence the madness.

We got a call 2 nights ago from our home study writer asking for a bit more info. She then informed us that our Adoption workers' boss (or team leader) had been phoning asking if she was going to approve us and if she could hurry things along (by the sounds of things, we are within a few weeks of placement). This apparently is unusual to happen like this. Needles to say, the last two days have been a manic high of what I can only describe as nesting.

I'm a crazy person with all my cleaning and sorting and organizing and that's normal, but now I've now taken it up a notch. I also can't focus at work and mostly just wonder around the office with a notebook so it looks like I'm working while I chat with people. And then I leave early. I'm probably driving people nuts with my glazed over tired eyes (can't sleep - too excited) and blank stares as they try to relay important information but all that is in my head is ohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmy.

It feels like there's so much to do yet there's not a lot we can do. We can buy a few things for their room (there's a shopping outing in the works for tomorrow:) but need to wait for confirmation if we are going to be placed with a particular 4 year old boy we know about before we do too much. And really, how else do you prepare for a 4 year old stranger coming to live in your house forever? I'm sure he'll appreciate my dustbusted base boards and toothbrush scrubbed bathroom tiles and all, but what else can you do to prepare for something like this?!

There are moments when I doubt myself that I can do this, then there are others where I think I'm going to kick some serious mothering butt. All I do know for sure is that I'm excited and scared and feeling very humbled by the people around me who share in my excitement. So thank you for your support and believing that I can do this, it means more to me then I could every let you know.

Deep breath...keep cleaning...soak it all in...try not to cry too much...enjoy...repeat...

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