Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bring it on

Yesterday it was hard to breath.

The excitement of it all, now that it's only a week away, was brought up a notch as 7 days suddenly seems tangible. 7 days is doable and foreseeable. 7 days seems like a good place to count down from.
The butterflies moved in.

We officially began freakin' out.

My head is everywhere; can't focus, can't keep on topic during a conversation. Even if that conversation is about J it spurs a maze of off-shooting thoughts.

How the heck do I get through the next week?! Today as I was driving home from work, I thought for a moment that it wasn't actually safe for me to be driving. Yep, that's how far my brain has wondered. I had to take deep breaths and turn up the talk radio to try to get out of my head.




I figure tomorrow I start list writing. That always seems to calm me down.

And we made some celebration plans.

Thursday night, the night before our Infoshare and possibly the last night Gord and I will have just the two of us (because of the way Anthony's schedule is with his mom's house and if things move like we think they will we are assuming it's THE last night of our half time parenting), we are going out to celebration the end of a chapter in our lives together. We are going to a restaurant that we can't take kids to and we are going to celebrate US. Then on Saturday we are going to celebrate Anthony and his last few moments of being an only child and do something that we wouldn't do with a 4 year old -  We are going to bundle up once it's dark and drive out of town and do some star gazing (and if we are lucky see some northern lights). And we will probably eat cake. Late at night. Just because we can. And four year olds, well they can't, so that's pretty special.

Bring it on; the tears, the excitement, the joy, the fear, the everything. I'm so ready for this.

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